Maple Communication LTD

Maple Communication Limited


Maple Communication Limited
57 Parkstone Avenue,
Lower Parkstone, Poole,
Dorset, BH14 9LW

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1202 723255
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Content Management System web sites for small to medium businesses

According to the Australian Tourism Commission:


“A content management system (CMS) is a program that lets you edit your website’s content without needing to know any programming language. It is a must-have for all tourism operators.


So what are the advantages of having a web site which is 'powered' by a CMS?


  • You don't need any specialist IT skills to maintain your web site
  • This gives you control over your own site - update as and when you like
  • No need to rely on an external agency and pay each time you make a change
  • Built-in search engine friendly infrastructure

But surely this must cost a lot of money?


No it doesn't - the good news is that a CMS site does not have to break the bank and Maple Communication has developed a range of attractive 'plug and play' templates which allow small businesses to have a professional looking CMS web site up and running in a matter of days and at an affordable cost. Furthermore we include an introductory CMS training course to make sure you can hit the ground running.


Please contact us to enquire about our CMS packages.
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